GPFT ARMOIRIES  Grand Prieuré de France du Temple - GPFT

           Membre fondateur de l'OSMTH

  (Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem)

 ONG à statut consultatif spécial aux Nations Unies
                   Membre du D.P.I / ONU et du CoNGO (Conférence des ONG à statut consultatif)
                                                          Membre du Bureau International de la Paix (Prix Nobel 1910)
                                                  Membre de la Plateforme des Droits Fondamentaux de l'Union Européenne
                                                                  PRIEURE DES PHILIPPINES
                               PRIORY  OF THE PHILIPPINES
In  january  2020 we hosted our Mentor, Past Grand Prior of France and  Grand Commander Emeritus of the Order, BG Dr . Chev. Marcel de PICCIOTTO. We welcomed 4  new postulants .  We where elevated to Piory status. We are on our way to Grand Priory Status ! Our charitable actions continue, mostly towards needy regions of our country.
                                                    last annual investiture held in January 2024
1ère Investiture le 24 Janvier 2010 à Manille
1rst Investiture in Manilla, January 24, 2010
 Nous avons eu la joie d'accueillir parmi nous plusieurs nouveaux membres.
Le Prieur , chev Jose Adolfo Da Cruz, GOTJ a été élevé au rang de Grand Croix de lL Ordre
D'ores et déja , Rendez-vous est pris pour une nouvelle visite en début d'année 2025
 We have been honored to receive new members .
Our prior chev Jose Adolfo da Cruz, has been elevated to tye rank of Grand Cross from the hands of our  International Grand Commander Emeritus and past Grand Prior of France, our mentor organisation,
We have already planned a new visit early 2025
MESSAGE DU PRIEUR  Chev José Adolfo Da Cruz
Your Excellencies, Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Temple,
 since January 2010 in the City of Manila, Philippines, the Preceptory then Commandery and now Priory of the Philippines (under the Protection of GP France) held annual Investiture Ceremonies  in January.
  The simple but very solemn rituals were held at the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Fort Santiago which is within the medieval walled City of Old Manila called Intramuros which is a very appropriate setting for Investiture Ceremonies of our Order.
  The successful events would not have been possible without the emeritus Grand Commander V, who came all over Paris, France, as the presiding officer of the Investiture Ceremonies.
The preceptory has been raised in january, 2014 to the status pf Commandery under teh mentor Grand Priory of France, by our international Grand Commander.
We then held a formal call with HE the Honorable Feliciano BELMONTE, House speaker , and other representatives. Human Rights, Women empowerment, access to clean water and building bridges for peace where the topics adressed.
  As the Philippine Islands comprise 7,100 islands, indeed the task of building the strong presence of the Order across the archipelago is challenging but not impossible.
The commandery has since been elevated to the status of Priory
  With our Lord's Grace, the Priory  of the Philippines can be elevated soon in the future to Grand Priory